Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov. 6, 2010...

Noah is HERE!!!

Ok so its been about 12 days since he was born but this is the first time I've had a chance to get on the computer and blog about it.

He was born on November 6th at 3:48 pm, weighing 9 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 inches long! I know... big boy!! It was the best day of my life and most amazing experience I've ever had.

So on the third I went in to the doctor to get checked again. Hoping to get news that I could be induced as soon as possible, I was told I was still at one cm and would have to wait until Saturday to be induced. Needless to say, I was pretty upset. Thursday and Friday both passed without anything feeling different. So FINALLY Saturday morning came and we went to LDS Hospital to have our baby!! By eight AM I was admitted and they checked to see how dilated I was... three cm and completely effaced!! I was so happy to hear that. My doctor ordered for me to be put on high dose pitocin and by nine AM I was beginning labor! My whole pregnancy I was hoping I could do a natural birth without drugs but at about four cm, I couldn't stand the pain anymore. I got the epidural. And let me tell you, I'm SO glad I did. My contractions were now two minutes apart and by about 12:00 PM I was at 6 cm and the nurse told me she could probably stretch me to a seven or an eight. I couldn't believe I had progressed that fast! She checked me about two hours later and I was complete! Now we just had to wait for the baby to drop three more stations before I could push. An hour past and by now I was feeling a ton of pressure in my pelvis so my nurse checked me again and said I was ready to push! We were so happy that it went by so fast! By 3:15 I was pushing and a half an hour later our baby boy was born! Only six and a half hours of labor and I gave birth to our healthy 9 pound 3 ounce baby boy!!

He's so beautiful and perfect in every way. I'm so grateful that my pregnancy, labor, and delivery went so well... I was almost expecting something to go wrong because everything went so perfectly! And Noah is such a good baby. He hardly ever fusses and is so sweet. We couldn't ask for anything better.

And I have to brag about my amazing husband. He has been so wonderful through this whole experience. He was the best labor coach ever and so supportive.  He's so patient and loving and I love love LOVE seeing him with our son. Noah looks just like Jordan when he was a baby and its so fun seeing Jordan try to play with our little baby. He always talks about how excited he is for when Noah is old enough to play. I love my boys. :-)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So I still haven't had my baby yet. My due date came and went and still no change. I even when to church on my due date. Still going for walks everyday, still doing work around the house just the same... and still no baby!! So tomorrow is my last doctors appointment and I'm hoping I can talk my OB/GYN into letting me start my induction tomorrow night... cross your fingers for me! I really don't think there is anything you can do to put yourself into labor... so many people say that walking, sex, and even fresh pineapple will do help move things along but seriously... I think thats a load of crap. I've done all those things and more (and I mean A LOT) and still nothing. I think that when your body (and baby) is ready, then you will go into labor.

Also, I think its really funny (and super annoying) that there are so many people who seem to think I won't tell them when I have my baby. I'm not talking about my family because I know they are just excited and wanting to know that everything is ok... but when I have friends calling me asking me if I've had the baby yet... um, really? You think I would be answering my phone if I just had a baby? I had a friend call me the day after my due date (yesterday) and ask, "So is Noah here yet?" Mind you, we had gone to dinner with these friends just two days before... URGH! And when I receive texts every other day from friends asking if anything has happened yet, I'm tempted to just not answer and then not tell them when something DOES happen. So please, just trust me when I say, I will tell you when something happens. Promise. If not from me, then from Jordan.

In other news, we had a fun, really chill Halloween. We didn't get really into it and dress up but we did carve pumpkins on the 30th with my in-laws and made caramel apples on the 31st with my parents and sister. Sadly, our digital camera is packed away in my hospital bag so we didn't get any pictures but it was a lot of fun! Also, my good friend Erin Winters in home from her mission!!! We went to her homecoming on Sunday and it was so good to see her! She gave an awesome talk. I'm really glad she's back because now I have a friend who (hopefully) won't be super busy for a little while so we can maybe hang out. But we'll see.

Anyway, baby Noah will be here by the end of the week so I will post that news as soon as I can!