Friday, January 18, 2013

Elijah Charles Hulet

Elijah Charles Hulet
January 12, 2013 at 7:18 AM
8 lbs. 12 oz.
20 inches long

Birth story...

So as I reached full term in my pregnancy I was getting more and more anxious (as all pregnant women get) about my due date getting closer. At my 37 weeks check up I was only a finger tip dilated and 60% effaced. At 39 weeks I was 2.5 and 70% and had my membranes stripped... my doctor gave me the option of being induced the next day since my cervix was favorable but we (Jordan and I) decided to wait until after my due date. She didn't think I would make it to the next available induction date (the 12th) so I held out hope. At 40 weeks I was at 3.5 and 80% effaced and had my membranes stripped a second time. I was getting pretty discouraged at that point because I had been hoping and praying (literally) that I would be able to experience going into labor on my own... if you remember, I was induced with Noah almost a week past my due date so I only knew what pitocin induced labor was like.
We scheduled my induction for the 12th at 8 AM and decided to have Jordans mom fly in the day before. She was originally flying in on the 8th (my due date) but we knew I'd go over.
So the 11th we picked up my mother in law at Sea-Tac and had lunch in Southcenter. That afternoon, Jordan went back to work and we went home to chill. Since we had one last night until baby came, Jordan and I decided to go on one last date (for a while at least).
Well just as he got home at about 6:30 I started having mildly painful  contractions. As we walked out to the garage Jordan jokingly asked me if I was going to have a baby tonight... I laughed and said probably not... they seemed to only happen when I was walking and would stop as soon as I sat down. They didn't feel significant so I didn't think anything of them. We went to the movie and just as it started at 7:15, I decided it wouldn't hurt to start timing them since they seemed to be picking up. They were coming every 3 to 10 mins and were an average of 45 seconds long so when my phone died half way through the movie I wasn't too concerned. By the end of the movie they were still happening, getting stronger, and Jordan kept asking me what we should do. I was starting to panic just a little bit at that point because I didn't want to overreact and run to the hospital for nothing but this felt different and I also knew things can happen much more quickly with a second+ pregnancy. So Jordan talked me into going to the hospital. We got to our room and they hooked me up to the monitors by 10:30. Then they checked me and I was still at 3.5. So the nurse called the doctor that was on call (my doctor wasn't) and she wanted me to walk around to see if it would help me progress. I was really hoping they wouldn't send me home since I would be coming back in the morning anyway. I walked the halls of the hospital from 10:45 to midnight (Jordan ran home to get the laptop and my phone charger- my hospital bag was already in the car) and at midnight they checked me again and I was just barely at a four. My nurse was great and said she was going to try and talk the doctor into letting me stay. Pretty soon after that they admitted me and put my iv in. The doctor wanted my contractions to be closer together before she would approve me for an epidural and at that point I wasn't in that much pain. Well about 10 minutes after I was admitted my contractions started getting really intense. I began breathing deep and before long I was moaning and breathing deep through each one.... it was so painful and that was the only way I felt I could stay in control. I had a jacuzzi in my room so I labored in that for about 45 minutes until the warm water no longer took the edge off the pain and when I got out I couldn't stop shaking. Jordan helped me back into the hospital bed and after another hour my nurse checked me and I was at a six (about 2 AM) with contractions about every two to four minutes. I still couldn't stop shaking and my moaning was getting louder- I've never been in so much pain (kudos to all the women who have med free labor/deliveries!) At around 3 AM, an hour later, I got my epidural and it kicked in a half an hour after that. I was finally able to get some rest. Before my epidural I kept telling jordan how tired I was and that I didn't think I could do it anymore. It was such a relief.
Jordan and I both rested and dozed until about 6 AM when the doctor came in to check on me. I was at a 9 and she wanted to see how my pushing was. I bared down and with one push my water broke. Then she said lets get ready to meet your baby! They set the room up and my new nurse came in. I started pushing at 7:13 and with two contractions he was out! Elijah was born at 7:18 AM  on Saturday morning. His delivery was so fast that he didn't have time to get the excess fluid out like most babies do so they had to give him some suction. But as soon as he was out they layed him right on my chest and they wiped him down a bit and Jordan cut his cord. It was incredible. I couldn't have hoped for a better birthing experience. Elijah started nursing almost as soon as he was out and we had skin to skin immediately.
He is such a mellow baby. Only fusses when hes hungry and sleeps without a pacifier.
I feel so blessed to have been able to have that experience. It was amazing having Jordan there to hold my hand through every single contraction.
Noah has been doing great with the transition and he loves his brother already. Most of the time he doesn't pay much attention to him but sometimes he'll walk up to me and point to Elijah and say "baby!" and he gives him kisses. Its so cute.
I love my little family of four :-)
Noah showing his dinosaurs to his brother
Going home
Brand new!! Still spitting out some amniotic fluid
First bath
Noah let Elijah play with his dinosaurs

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Highlights + FOURTY weeks...

2012 was a really good year for us. A lot of amazing things happened... here are some of the highlights... pregnancy brain may have caused me to forget some of them so I'll do my best...

  • Jordan finished up at the U! He's still working on finishing his dissertation and a few things on some papers but I'm so proud of him. A PhD is a big deal.
  • The job search began at the beginning of the year. There were two major offers on the table (Siemens in Germany and Amazon in Seattle). In the end, Amazon won.
  • Noah and I went on a vacation to California with my family is March. Because J was finishing up with school he couldn't go. While we were there, J got the offer from Amazon.
  • May 1st is the day we found out we were expecting NUMBER TWO! Its also the day J left for Australia for two weeks for his last conference.
  • As you can tell, May was a crazy month for us... in two weeks we: took a trip to Seattle to look for a place to live, J defended his thesis and walked for Graduation, and we got packed up ready to move to another state.
  • June 1st we made our big move.
  • August we found out baby number two is a boy! We're so excited to have another little guy running around.
  • June through August we had J's parents visit and bring Buster home, my parents came to visit, and my sister and her husband came to visit. Lot of visitors!
  • August we got rid of the PT Cruiser and bought a brand new Sonata.
  • October Noah and I took a trip to Utah for Halloween.
  • We had a fantastic Thanksgiving and Christmas with just us and some friends. The holidays were so fun this year.
I am currently 40.1 weeks pregnant. My whole pregnancy I said I was going to go over my due date but I didn't actually think I would... ha! I was wrong. I guess my babies just like me too much and want to stay inside as long as possible. I also thought I'd go early with Noah (as most first time moms think/hope) but he was 6 days overdue as well. So now we're just waiting for Saturday to come so I can be induced again... though I'm still praying this little guy will come before then. 2 days to go... 2 days.

How far along: 40 weeks...
Total weight gain: 26.5 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Most of them don't fit over my belly anymore and my jeans are too uncomfortable... lets hope he decides to come a the next few days... .
Stretch marks: I swear I get more every day.
Sleep: Lately... okay. I wake up around 3 am most night and either don't get back to sleep at all or it takes an hour or so. I have a big trigger point in my left glute and that starts to hurt real bad after a few hours.
Best moment this week: I'm not sure there has been a 'best moment'. Its been good though, all things considered.
Movement: For sure. But he's slowed down a bit in the last few days. Hopefully he's getting ready for birth real soon.
Cravings?: None this week. I've kind of lost my appetite.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating makes me sick and shaky and dizzy.
Labor Signs: LOTS of contractions. I was checked on Monday and I'm 3.5 cm and 80% effaced. I had my membranes stripped for the second time and that was flowed by lots of cramping and I've had so much more pressure in my pelvis. Also, baby is at a -1 station so he has dropped from five days ago when my membranes were last stripped.... but ouch... this time it was much more painful.
Missing anything?: my baby.
Symptoms: Uhm... I'm not sure I need to explain my symptoms at this point.
Belly Button in or out? See picture below :-)
Wedding ring on or off? currently on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: so happy and anxious and excited and nervous... and a little sad that Noah won't be an only child for too much longer. Even though he's a super busy two year old I'm trying to get in all the cuddles I can these last few days.
Looking forward to: Baby! If he doesn't come before, Saturday at 8 am is the big day. Can't wait.