Monday, October 20, 2014

Jude Michael Hulet

As I sit here in my bed with my day old baby boy just breastfed and sleeping on my chest, I thought I'd write (type) down his birth story while it's still fresh in my mind. 
He was born on his due date, October 19, 2014 at 1:12 in the afternoon. 
It all started in the morning when I got up with Noah and Elijah at 6:30. I used the bathroom and noticed I had some (TMI) bloody show. I didn't think much of it except maybe I would go into labor in a few days because that's how it happened with Elijah. We went downstairs after getting the boys some breakfast and started a movie so that we wouldn't disturb Jordan, who was sleeping in after his late night game night with a few of his friends. Around 7:30 I started having Braxton hicks and a few mildly uncomfortable contractions that were sporadic and not consistent. Jordan got up around nine and I decided to start getting ready for church around 9:30. By then the contractions we're starting to pick up and building in intensity. After my shower I started timing them because they were starting to feel pretty consistent and painful.
 Then around 11 a really big one hit me and I decided I'd let the relief society presidency know I wouldn't be able to teach my lesson that day. After making a call to the RS president and counselor and then a call to my doctors office I told Jordan we should probably head to the hospital; my contractions were about 7 mins apart and pretty strong by then.
 We dropped the boys off at friends of ours and fellow ward members and went to the hospital. They got us right in and I changed into a hospital gown and got hooked up to the monitors. By then it was a little after 12 and they checked me. I was 6 cm dilated and 100% effaced. The nurses put in my IV and gave me a pain med to take the edge off my contractions. They were still painful and getting stronger and I was starting to feel pressure so they checked me again. By then I was 8 cm and I jokingly asked the nurses if I would have time to get my epidural (I had asked for one when we got to the hospital) and they all laughed and said of course! I was relieved because the pain was *almost* unbearable at that point. Finally, I had enough fluids in me that they paged the anesthesiologist to come give me my epidural; it was almost 1:00 by then. So I sat up and they started prepping my back. They put numbing meds in the area and put the kneedle in but had the wrong size so the anesthesiologist asked for a new one. Just then I started having overwhelmingly painful contractions to the point where I was almost screaming. Then I had an insane amount of pressure and told the nurses that I thought I needed to push. They took everything off my back and laid me down to check me. I was complete and my bag of water was bulging but hadn't broken yet. That's when I started screaming and kept telling the nurses I needed to push. Everyone (I had four nurses in the room with us that were still trying to prep everything) was telling me not to push and to wait for the doctor. I kept saying (screaming), "no, I really need to push!" Just then the doctor rushed in and got my feet up and I just started pushing and screaming and within a push and a half, Jude was out and on my chest. They measured his head, one nurse said, "that is not a small head!" weighed and measure is length. He was 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. 
It was such a different experience from my last two births but I wouldn't change it for anything (well, maybe I would have really liked to have had that epidural). Giving birth is a pretty incredible thing. Seeing this brand new person that grew inside you for nine months and is suddenly in the world is such a beautiful thing. It was amazing and I'm pretty proud of myself (trying not to sound too braggy but it's hard not to think back and go, "whoa! I did that!"). 
Recovery has been much easier this time around but that could be because this is my third baby, although the cramping is the worst post-birth cramping I've ever had. Jude is amazing, of course. He started breastfeeding less than an hour after birth and has been a pro-latcher ever since...such a great thing after struggling in the beginning with my other two. I've been loving the skin to skin and seeing Noah and Elijah so excited about their baby brother is the best thing in the world. 
I'm so in love with my FOUR boys and feel so blessed to have them in my life. Jordan is also the best husband/father/support I could ever ask for...he was so incredible while I was in labor and giving birth and continues to be now that we're home. 
Heavenly Father has seriously blessed us and I'm so so grateful. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer so far...

Our summer so far has been a good one. We've gotten out a lot more and have even traveled a bit! Woo hoo! Here are the highlights or bigger things that have happened so far...

~The boys and I took a trip to Utah for five days to see family. It was a really fun trip filled with playing outside, swimming, eating out, and of course spending time with family. We got to celebrate my nephews first birthday with him and the boys had fun playing with aunts, uncles, grandparents, and dogs (they LOVE my sisters huskys)
Richie and his smash cake. My sister made and decorated it and it was all vegan!
Noah and Richie skinny dipping in the kiddie pool at my parents house
Lots of playing happening at Grandma and papas house
More playing outside at grandma and papas house
My sister did her first half marathon here (Jordan El?). It was a trail run and she did awesome. We got to go see her at the finish line.
~During the last week of June, my cousin Michael unexpectedly passed away. It was such a shock to our whole family. So I flew to Denver for two days last weekend to attend his memorial service. It was beautiful to see so many people come out to show their support and share how much he touched their lives. He was an amazing person. And it was wonderful to spend time with family that I never get to see (two of my cousins- Michaels brothers- I hadn't seen in nine years)

Michael is the one on the right in the white shirt. These are all the cousins on my dad's side of the family and this was also the last time we were all together- Christmas 2005

Sisters, mom, aunties, uncle, and cousins at a music festival in Longmont, CO
From Left to right: Amber (Pats girlfriend), Pat, Ryan, Bryan, Erik, Auntie Liz, Auntie Cathy, Uncle Karl, Dad, Hilary, Adrienne, Me
This is super random, but the rental car I rented had Washington license plates and it was a Hyundai. I thought it was funny.
Here are the random happenings from our summer....
~We've taken a few trips on the bus to go see Jordan at work and have lunch with him.
~Trips to Ikea when we're desperate to get out of the house (and I feel like shopping- the boys have fun there)
~We went berry picking once and the boys loved it.
~Trips to the beach with friends. We're starting to make friends with people in our neighborhood and ward so its been fun hanging out with new people.
~We got a new car! We traded our Sonata for a Sienna and are loving it. Its nice to have so much more space.
At Richmond beach during low tide- this isn't the lowest but its still low. The boys love throwing rocks into the water
Berry picking. We did strawberries first, then raspberries. 
Our new car! We love it.
In the common area in Jordan's building at Amazon. This day we brought pizza from home and got drinks from the vending machine.
Playing at Ikea. Jordan was in the process of buying our car so we came here to hang out, have lunch, and play.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Its been a while...

I realized just the other day that its been over 16 months since I last posted. I know this because my last post was Elijahs birth story and he's not over 16 months old... my, how times flies (sorry for the cliche but its so true). I had a girls night this last week with some good friends and they inspired me to start blogging again. I tend to feel like my life isn't interesting enough to tell about and that no one really cares that much... but here I am. Maybe a few people will read it... maybe not. So a ton has happened in the last almost year and a half. I guess I'll just do highlights...

~Elijah's first year + of life! The first ten months were hard. So hard. The transition to two kids was very rough for us... I remember how hard becoming a parent was but then becoming a parent to two was so much harder. Elijah wasn't a good sleeper. For the first 4-5 months he woke up every one and a half to two hours and then until ten months it was every three hours. Let me tell you, if he ever gave us a four hour stretch during that time (which did happen a few times) I felt like a new person... but three hour stretches just aren't enough to feel sane. He also loved to be held. All the time. I didn't mind this so much because I love holding my babies. I discovered baby wearing which saved my sanity. My mei tai and Ergo became my best friends. It was the only way I could get anything done and still help Noah to feel like he wasn't forgotten. Anyway, we got through it and though it was rough I love love love being a mom to these sweet little boys. Boys are seriously awesome. I feel pretty lucky to have them. Elijah has the funniest personality and is so fun to watch. He's our crazy boy who loves to be messy and be outside and has a ton of attitude but is our cuddler. He says a ton of words which is weird and fun since Noah didn't talk until he was two and a half. Noah is now three and a half (!!!!) and is as sweet as ever. He's so compassionate and loving and really loves and cares about everyone. Everywhere we go he wants to talk to everyone and tell people what we're doing. He's the sweetest. Noah and Elijah are becoming best friends and really love each other. Its amazing to see them play and laugh together.

~We went on a few trips in 2012. One was to Utah when Elijah was seven months old. It was just him and I during this trip and it was mainly to see my sister and her new baby (my nephew!!). It wasn't a super relaxing trip but it was fun none the less. Elijah wasn't sleeping well and Richie, my sisters baby, was colicky. I tried to help with things the best I could. Our second trip was a road trip to Utah for Christmas. We spent two weeks there visiting family and it was a great trip. The boys did great in the two day car ride, to and from, and had a blast seeing all of our family.

~January first, just a few days after we returned home from Utah, we wanted to start looking at houses just to see what was out there. We weren't super serious about buying yet but we did have enough for a down payment so we decided to look anyway. Our realtor had five listings set up for us to look at so out we went since Jordan had the day off (new years day, obviously). A few of the houses were ok but most were too run down for how much they were listed for. But the last house we saw that day we fell in love with. It was only the fifth house we had seen so we felt a little crazy for thinking this but we really felt like we should put in an offer. It was a brand new house, a little smaller than we originally wanted, but we loved the house and the beautiful yard and neighborhood. It was also an area that had really good schools and it was in Shoreline which is where I wanted to end up. So that night be got together with our realtor again and drew up the offer. The next night we found out there was another offer on the house and the seller wouldn't tell us what the other offer was. They just wanted us to put in our best offer and the highest would get accepted. We we offered $7000 above asking price and then waited. I was already so invested in the house that the wait the next day was excruciating. Well seven that night our realtor called and told us our offer was accepted. It was an unreal feeling to hear we were going to own this house. The next few weeks were a bit of a blur. We slowly packed up our townhouse and had the inspection and appraisal of the house. Then the week before our move Jordan had to go to New York for an Amazon recruiting event. He got back the day of the move and we moved into our new home! It was a bit of a whirlwind and we are so grateful to be in this house and to be home owners. Its been fun making the house ours and Jordan loves working in the yard.

~Two weeks after we moved into our house we found out about baby number three! At the time I was about five weeks along but had no idea how far along I was. I am now 20 weeks (tomorrow) and due October 19th! And we couldn't be more excited about welcoming another baby boy into our family. I was afraid of having gender disappointment, not that I really wanted a girl, but it was more of a fear of just being disappointed. The second I saw him at our anatomy scan that thought of being disappointed at all just disappeared. We are thrilled! Three boys is going to be sooo fun! that brings us to now. Right now I'm just enjoying my house and my littles and my pregnancy while I paint rooms and plan out baby projects. The boys and I will be taking a trip to Utah at the end of June to see family and to celebrate my nephews first birthday and we're also planning a trip to Hawaii for next year for just the five (!!) of us. It'll be a fun trip but we're sad that Jordan isn't coming to Utah with us. This summer I'm hoping to get out a lot and enjoy more of Seattle and hopefully take a trip or two down to Portland and out of the city. And hopefully I'll be better about blogging about our adventures! Stay tuned...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Elijah Charles Hulet

Elijah Charles Hulet
January 12, 2013 at 7:18 AM
8 lbs. 12 oz.
20 inches long

Birth story...

So as I reached full term in my pregnancy I was getting more and more anxious (as all pregnant women get) about my due date getting closer. At my 37 weeks check up I was only a finger tip dilated and 60% effaced. At 39 weeks I was 2.5 and 70% and had my membranes stripped... my doctor gave me the option of being induced the next day since my cervix was favorable but we (Jordan and I) decided to wait until after my due date. She didn't think I would make it to the next available induction date (the 12th) so I held out hope. At 40 weeks I was at 3.5 and 80% effaced and had my membranes stripped a second time. I was getting pretty discouraged at that point because I had been hoping and praying (literally) that I would be able to experience going into labor on my own... if you remember, I was induced with Noah almost a week past my due date so I only knew what pitocin induced labor was like.
We scheduled my induction for the 12th at 8 AM and decided to have Jordans mom fly in the day before. She was originally flying in on the 8th (my due date) but we knew I'd go over.
So the 11th we picked up my mother in law at Sea-Tac and had lunch in Southcenter. That afternoon, Jordan went back to work and we went home to chill. Since we had one last night until baby came, Jordan and I decided to go on one last date (for a while at least).
Well just as he got home at about 6:30 I started having mildly painful  contractions. As we walked out to the garage Jordan jokingly asked me if I was going to have a baby tonight... I laughed and said probably not... they seemed to only happen when I was walking and would stop as soon as I sat down. They didn't feel significant so I didn't think anything of them. We went to the movie and just as it started at 7:15, I decided it wouldn't hurt to start timing them since they seemed to be picking up. They were coming every 3 to 10 mins and were an average of 45 seconds long so when my phone died half way through the movie I wasn't too concerned. By the end of the movie they were still happening, getting stronger, and Jordan kept asking me what we should do. I was starting to panic just a little bit at that point because I didn't want to overreact and run to the hospital for nothing but this felt different and I also knew things can happen much more quickly with a second+ pregnancy. So Jordan talked me into going to the hospital. We got to our room and they hooked me up to the monitors by 10:30. Then they checked me and I was still at 3.5. So the nurse called the doctor that was on call (my doctor wasn't) and she wanted me to walk around to see if it would help me progress. I was really hoping they wouldn't send me home since I would be coming back in the morning anyway. I walked the halls of the hospital from 10:45 to midnight (Jordan ran home to get the laptop and my phone charger- my hospital bag was already in the car) and at midnight they checked me again and I was just barely at a four. My nurse was great and said she was going to try and talk the doctor into letting me stay. Pretty soon after that they admitted me and put my iv in. The doctor wanted my contractions to be closer together before she would approve me for an epidural and at that point I wasn't in that much pain. Well about 10 minutes after I was admitted my contractions started getting really intense. I began breathing deep and before long I was moaning and breathing deep through each one.... it was so painful and that was the only way I felt I could stay in control. I had a jacuzzi in my room so I labored in that for about 45 minutes until the warm water no longer took the edge off the pain and when I got out I couldn't stop shaking. Jordan helped me back into the hospital bed and after another hour my nurse checked me and I was at a six (about 2 AM) with contractions about every two to four minutes. I still couldn't stop shaking and my moaning was getting louder- I've never been in so much pain (kudos to all the women who have med free labor/deliveries!) At around 3 AM, an hour later, I got my epidural and it kicked in a half an hour after that. I was finally able to get some rest. Before my epidural I kept telling jordan how tired I was and that I didn't think I could do it anymore. It was such a relief.
Jordan and I both rested and dozed until about 6 AM when the doctor came in to check on me. I was at a 9 and she wanted to see how my pushing was. I bared down and with one push my water broke. Then she said lets get ready to meet your baby! They set the room up and my new nurse came in. I started pushing at 7:13 and with two contractions he was out! Elijah was born at 7:18 AM  on Saturday morning. His delivery was so fast that he didn't have time to get the excess fluid out like most babies do so they had to give him some suction. But as soon as he was out they layed him right on my chest and they wiped him down a bit and Jordan cut his cord. It was incredible. I couldn't have hoped for a better birthing experience. Elijah started nursing almost as soon as he was out and we had skin to skin immediately.
He is such a mellow baby. Only fusses when hes hungry and sleeps without a pacifier.
I feel so blessed to have been able to have that experience. It was amazing having Jordan there to hold my hand through every single contraction.
Noah has been doing great with the transition and he loves his brother already. Most of the time he doesn't pay much attention to him but sometimes he'll walk up to me and point to Elijah and say "baby!" and he gives him kisses. Its so cute.
I love my little family of four :-)
Noah showing his dinosaurs to his brother
Going home
Brand new!! Still spitting out some amniotic fluid
First bath
Noah let Elijah play with his dinosaurs

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Highlights + FOURTY weeks...

2012 was a really good year for us. A lot of amazing things happened... here are some of the highlights... pregnancy brain may have caused me to forget some of them so I'll do my best...

  • Jordan finished up at the U! He's still working on finishing his dissertation and a few things on some papers but I'm so proud of him. A PhD is a big deal.
  • The job search began at the beginning of the year. There were two major offers on the table (Siemens in Germany and Amazon in Seattle). In the end, Amazon won.
  • Noah and I went on a vacation to California with my family is March. Because J was finishing up with school he couldn't go. While we were there, J got the offer from Amazon.
  • May 1st is the day we found out we were expecting NUMBER TWO! Its also the day J left for Australia for two weeks for his last conference.
  • As you can tell, May was a crazy month for us... in two weeks we: took a trip to Seattle to look for a place to live, J defended his thesis and walked for Graduation, and we got packed up ready to move to another state.
  • June 1st we made our big move.
  • August we found out baby number two is a boy! We're so excited to have another little guy running around.
  • June through August we had J's parents visit and bring Buster home, my parents came to visit, and my sister and her husband came to visit. Lot of visitors!
  • August we got rid of the PT Cruiser and bought a brand new Sonata.
  • October Noah and I took a trip to Utah for Halloween.
  • We had a fantastic Thanksgiving and Christmas with just us and some friends. The holidays were so fun this year.
I am currently 40.1 weeks pregnant. My whole pregnancy I said I was going to go over my due date but I didn't actually think I would... ha! I was wrong. I guess my babies just like me too much and want to stay inside as long as possible. I also thought I'd go early with Noah (as most first time moms think/hope) but he was 6 days overdue as well. So now we're just waiting for Saturday to come so I can be induced again... though I'm still praying this little guy will come before then. 2 days to go... 2 days.

How far along: 40 weeks...
Total weight gain: 26.5 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Most of them don't fit over my belly anymore and my jeans are too uncomfortable... lets hope he decides to come a the next few days... .
Stretch marks: I swear I get more every day.
Sleep: Lately... okay. I wake up around 3 am most night and either don't get back to sleep at all or it takes an hour or so. I have a big trigger point in my left glute and that starts to hurt real bad after a few hours.
Best moment this week: I'm not sure there has been a 'best moment'. Its been good though, all things considered.
Movement: For sure. But he's slowed down a bit in the last few days. Hopefully he's getting ready for birth real soon.
Cravings?: None this week. I've kind of lost my appetite.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating makes me sick and shaky and dizzy.
Labor Signs: LOTS of contractions. I was checked on Monday and I'm 3.5 cm and 80% effaced. I had my membranes stripped for the second time and that was flowed by lots of cramping and I've had so much more pressure in my pelvis. Also, baby is at a -1 station so he has dropped from five days ago when my membranes were last stripped.... but ouch... this time it was much more painful.
Missing anything?: my baby.
Symptoms: Uhm... I'm not sure I need to explain my symptoms at this point.
Belly Button in or out? See picture below :-)
Wedding ring on or off? currently on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: so happy and anxious and excited and nervous... and a little sad that Noah won't be an only child for too much longer. Even though he's a super busy two year old I'm trying to get in all the cuddles I can these last few days.
Looking forward to: Baby! If he doesn't come before, Saturday at 8 am is the big day. Can't wait.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Babyshower + 39 weeks...

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but we live in the best ward. I've never felt so welcome or so loved in a ward than I do here. Some of the ladies I've gotten to become friends with threw me a baby shower this past Friday night! I wasn't expecting anything since this is my second baby and another boy so I was totally surprised when Emily approached me about it. It was so fun and so nice to get out with some girl-friends. We went to a cute little Italian restaurant in Ballard and then had molten lava cake at Hot Cakes just down the road. It was so fun and I'm so grateful to have made friends here. They are all so great. Here are a few pictures...
Baby bumps! In order of due dates- January, February, and March. Boy, Girl, Girl.

The ladies (missing Maren) from left to right... Kelly, Kathryn, Emily, Kelly, Noel, Me, Layla, and Lisha
Delicious chocolate/peanut butter molten lava cake and ice cream. If you ever visit Seattle, you must come here.

Heres some pregnancy progress for you...
How far along: 39 weeks... almost. Technically I'll be 39 weeks on Tuesday but at this point who cares.
Total weight gain: at my last appointment I had a different doctor (it was the day after Christmas so mine was on vacation) so the new doctor didn't tell me if I'd gained anything. Just said I was right on track.
Maternity clothes? I've grown out of a lot of them. I'm thinking of just wearing sweats and Jordans t-shirts the rest of my pregnancy haha
Stretch marks: Yep and more new ones this past week. Baby is really stretching me out!
Sleep: Eh... depends on the night and how tired I am. I usually wake up around four or so and can't get back to sleep and Noah has been getting up super early too. Also the baby moved around like crazy until late (midnight or one). Sometimes I can get to sleep through it but most of the time I can't.
Best moment this week: Christmas and my baby shower!
Movement: Yes but its slowed down a bit and is more like rolling around. Not so many kicks and jabs like he used to. Hopefully that means he's getting ready to come out.
Cravings?: Nutella. We bought a big thing of it at Sam's Club last night and I just made short bread cookies to go with it. Yumm...
Anything making you queasy or sick: no.
Labor Signs: I've had some painful contractions in the last week or so. But nothing regular and a TON of braxton hicks. Lets hope I have some progress when I go to my next doctors appointment on Wednesday (last Wednesday I was only a fingertip dilated and only 60% effaced. But the doctor reassured me that as a second time mom things can change really fast)
Missing anything?: Regular/non-maternity clothes...
Symptoms: Siatic pain has been really bad lately. Lots of pelvic pressure/pain. Heartburn. Low back pain. Contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Out. My belly looks kind of pointy. lol
Wedding ring on or off? There was a few days when I couldn't wear my ring because of swelling. Luckly Jordan got me a really pretty infinity ring for Christmas (that is a half size bigger) so I can wear that when I can't wear my wedding ring. But right now, as I type this, I can. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Baby!! He should be here in a week or so (we might talk induction on Wednesday)... crossing my fingers. Lets hope Jordan and I can finally pick a name for this guy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thoughts + 37 weeks...

 I've been wanting to write a normal post lately... not one thats just updating my progress in pregnancy. But I haven't been able to decide what to write about because there's not really anything new going on with us. So here are just some random thoughts (in no particular order) I've had lately that might give some insight into what my days are like... some of these things I think, literally, everyday... PS- don't be offended. :-)

~My testimony of prayer has grown a whole lot just from moving here. The gospel is an amazing thing and I'm blessed to live where I live... for so many reasons.

~I hate The Land Before Time 5. Curse you Amazon Instant Video for not having the original.

~Important life lessons can be learned from the movie mentioned above... like if you're lost in the wilderness with friends and aren't sure if the plants are edible, tell your dumbest friend to try everything first, just to be safe. Also, pray your children don't learn their grammar from this movie.

~Its ok if my floor is covered in bits of play doh and pine needles... let it go. Just let it go.... and breath...

~I love having a little boy. With all his energy and roughness, he sure is a mama's boy. And I can't wait to have another one. Boys are so fun. But I am a little biased.

~My husband is the most loving and supportive (and patient) person in the world. I'm lucky to have him.

~Sometimes its okay for my toddler to throw a giant tantrum... I need to take a shower.

~I enjoy church so much more now that I don't have to sit in nursery for two hours. Bless those people who get called into nursery. Another testament that the lord really does answer prayers. *five weeks before I'm due to have this baby, Noah just decides that he's fine in nursery without me. He only cried for five minutes two Sundays ago and last Sunday he didn't cry at all. Prayers answered.*

~I never thought I'd have to console my child from the toilet. But as a mom, what is privacy anyway.

~Its good to know that pregnancy isn't forever. Whether you have your baby at 37 week or 41 weeks, you WILL have your baby. And from what my doctor has told me, I only have three more weeks at most... and I'm counting on three more weeks... Not being pessimistic... just realistic and patient.

~I still haven't packed my hospital bag... maybe I should do that sometime...

which leads us to my pregnancy update..

How far along: 37 weeks! Thats only 21 days left.
Total weight gain: 20 lbs up. I thought I had gained 23 but at my last appointment my doctor told me just 20... I didn't gain anything between 35 and 37 weeks. I'm in good shape this time!
Maternity clothes? I should just delete about half of these questions..
Stretch marks: Yes...
Sleep: Last night I slept like a rock... only woke up once and it was just to roll over... which is odd because with Noah my sleep seemed to get worse the further along I was but it seems to be getting better. Probably because I'm SOOO tired at the end of the day; between the house, taking care of a two year old, and being massively pregnant, I'm always exhausted.
Best moment this week: Hmm.... I don't know if I've had a best moment this week. Things have been good. Just trying to get everything with Christmas done and get ready for the baby. I'm not nearly as anxious this time as I was as a first time mom...
Movement: Almost all day long. He's an active little guy.
Cravings?: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no.
Labor Signs: Tons of braxton hicks and lots of pressure... that doesn't mean labor though so... no.

Symptoms: My heartburn is back. Turns out baby hasn't dropped like I thought he had (normal for a second pregnancy). I just carry really low I guess. The heart burn is getting pretty bad though. And my pelvis kills me.
Belly Button in or out? Out. And Noah is still fascinated. But now when you ask him where his baby brother is he points to my stomach... cutest thing ever.
Wedding ring on or off? Still on. My hands still look normal.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Christmas and January!!