Friday, October 15, 2010

Still pregnant...

I'm almost 38 weeks (Sunday) and am starting to get that feeling that I'm going to be pregnant forever. Yes, I know that sounds silly, but its how I feel. The nursery is all set up and adorable. Yesterday I set up the pack-n-play in our bedroom (it has a bassinet and changing table attached- Thank you to my wonderful in-laws) and put batteries in it and the bouncer. So I'm all ready to go.... now we just need Noah to get here.

Wednesday was another doctors appointment and I was really hoping she would check me again to see if I've progressed at all... nope. Just the normal questions and listening to my perfect baby's heart beat. This week I've been having more contractions and cramping that feels different than what I've had before... the kind that goes all the way around (lower back and abdomen) and doesn't go away when I move around, so I'm hoping thats a good sign that things are moving along. I can't wait to meet my little boy.

About two and a half weeks ago my friend Erica Thurman took my maternity pictures and I love them. She did such an awesome job! If you'd like to see her other stuff go see her blog... she's awesome. And here are a few... 35 weeks and three days along :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog, cute room, cute pictures! You're going to be a MOMMY, wow I'm sure that's an incredible feeling. Almost there!
