Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WANTED: Professional Organizer...

Lately I've started to have mini panic attacks just from looking at my house. Its a disorganized MESS! Last night I had to put Noah in his crib, shut the door, go into my bedroom, and scream as hard as I could into my pillow.... Thats how stressed out I was (and still kind of am). My kitchen has been a mess for about a week and it still smells like the oil burning incident we had a few nights ago... long story short, Jordan left a burner on that had a pot of oil on top of it and it started on fire and we didn't notice until our kitchen was filled with smoke. My bedroom has piles of maternity clothes and other things that don't fit anymore and I don't have a clue where to put them. Noah's room still isn't organized and done yet and we're starting to pile up clothes that don't fit him now too. In every corner I look there is just a huge mess and I can't seem to find the motivation or the time to clean or organize it. AND on top of all that, I'm the worst laundry do-er there ever was. True story. At this very moment my washer and dryer are filled with towels and clothes. Ugh... I'm just a stress case waiting to explode.
Also, last night I had to go get an eye exam and am now waiting for my two pairs of glasses to be finished so I can pick them up. I've never worn glasses before so that should be fun.
And you may be wondering why I'm blogging instead of going to clean up my disaster of a house... good question... but its too late now because my Noah just woke up and needs to be changed and fed and paid attention to. Thats one thing I can do without complaining about. Maybe later today I'll find some motivation somewhere.................

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Just found your blog! Here is something I did when I had all kinds of baby stuff coming out the wazoo. Save all your diaper boxes. They are great because they are smallish and have handles and fit really nicely in closets and/or in corners. I never throw one away! Also, most all brands are ABOUT the same size, so they stack really well, too. Try putting the maternity clothes/baby clothes/supplies in those boxes and labeling the outside and tops. Then even if you have to stack them in the corner of his room, its better than having stuff laying everywhere! Hope that helps! Cute blog!
