Six Months:
Weight: 21.6 lbs (96%)
Height: 27.75 inches (88%)
Head size: 18.3 inches (98)
Nine and a half Months:
Weight: 21.1 lbs (53%)
Height: 29 inches (67%)
Head size: 19.3 inches (100%)
He's lost a little bit of weight in three and a half months but the doctor said he's not worried because he's lengthened out and isn't going to be a chubby little boy. Also, his head is HUGE! haha But it also isn't a problem because it hasn't been a rapid change- Noah has always had a big head. at three weeks old his head was already in the 76th percentile. Anyway, as far as development goes, like I said before, he took his first steps yesterday! It was the most exciting thing ever (for me at least). Its so fun seeing all the milestones. He's going to be walking before we know it! Its sad but so exciting and fun at the same time.... I would say more so. He's still army crawling although he can get up on his hands and knees but he's just not interested. He climbs up onto everything and cruises along the furniture. Here are some of the milestones that have happened in the last few months (that I haven't updated...):
Got his first tooth May 17th (our third wedding anniversary)
Got his second tooth just after turning 7 months in June
Starting crawling May 10th (6 months)
Started pulling himself up onto things mid-July
Took his first steps Sunday, August 21st
Started getting three "solid" meals a day at 8 months in July
Is sleeping 10-11 hours a night and taking two 1.5-2 hour naps during the day
His favorite things are:
Pulling things out of the bookcase
Opening the lid to the diaper pale and pulling out diapers
Opening cabinets in the front room
Grabbing Busters tail and feet
Playing with Buster and all of Busters super fun toys
Walking around with his rolling cart/walker
Chewing on Busters toys
Pulling out all the DVD's he can reach
Crawling into the kitchen
Standing up by himself
Bath time every night
Daddy reading books to him
Graham crackers
Swimming in grandma and papa's pool (kiddy pool of course)
Riding in the stroller while mommy runs at the park
Ice cream/popsicles
Things he hates:
Riding is his car seat
Diaper changes
Being held by strangers
Getting out of the bathtub
When mommy puts up the baby gate while he's trying to get into the kitchen
When mommy leaves him by himself
Naps in his crib
When other dogs are mean to Buster
Thats my Noah in a nutshell. Its so amazing to see his little personality coming out more and more everyday. He's such a cuddly little guy, I love it! This morning he woke up at eight and wouldn't let me put him down- he just wanted to be held and cuddled. He's brought so much joy and fullness into my life; I can't imagine it without him. He's the light of my life.
I'm so glad to hear my baby isn't the only one that hates his car seat! The way people react when I tell them he hates it in there made me wonder. Noah looks so great! We're coming through Utah in September, hopefully we can see you guys!