Thursday, August 30, 2012

I love my job...

This week I'm not going to post a pregnancy survey because really, nothings changed from last week. Other than babys movements are getting pretty strong and they will get even stronger in the next few weeks(loving it... this is my favorite thing about pregnancy) and I've been craving fries... I think I'll go get some from kidd valley today. Here are a few bump pictures... I never ask Jordan to take pictures for me so you get phone pictures. I think I look slightly bigger this week (and I mean SLIGHTLY. Some people will probably say no, I look the same in both)... especially considering that the first picture was taken at the end of the day when my bump is usually bigger and the second was taken this morning. This is a huge difference between my bump with Noah and this little boy. Next week I'll post my comparison photos from my first pregnancy and this one...

20 weeks
21 weeks 2 days

Anyway, Noah is the cutest little boy ever and a little terror at the same time. One minute he'll be so cute and cuddly, giving me hugs and kisses. Or he'll be hyper, running around in circles and wanting to wrestle or crashing his trucks into things. And the next minute he'll throw a huge fit and have a meltdown over the slightest thing. It never gets boring at our house. But I love being a mom more than anything I've done in my life.
I also love being married to my best friend. Its exciting to think we're going on five years... ok so maybe we're only at 4 years and 3.5 months but still! Time flies when you're having fun. I've never felt so supported as I do with Jordan. He's really an amazing man and I'm so glad that blind date worked out. I hope I can raise my boys to be just like their dad. I'm a very lucky girl.
Well, theres the mushy stuff I've been thinking about. We're still loving Seattle. The weather is changing and I'm excited for fall... I didn't think I'd say it but I'm even excited for the rain. I have a bunch of projects I've been working on and thats been fun. I hope to one day be one of those women who can make any craft and have it turn out perfect... its still on long way off. Practice makes perfect!

Friday, August 24, 2012

20+ weeks...

How far along: 20 weeks and three days
Total weight gain: I don't really weigh myself anymore so I'll post weight gain when I have my prenatal checkups.
Maternity clothes? for sure. I just ordered some more on the other day and got a really good deal. I'm pretty much in all maternity stuff now (but I guess I have been for a month or two now)
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Getting pretty uncomfortable. I wake up several times during the night, usually just to turn over. Its starting to be a bit of a challenge just to change sides
Best moment this week: My sister and brother in law came to stay with us. It was fun to see them and hang out with them
Miss Anything? Nope. I love everything about this stage in pregnancy.
Movement: Still everyday... and getting stronger :-)
Food cravings: Yesterday I was craving orange sticks (you know the ones you can get at Christmas time?) and I couldn't find any at the Target... sad. But I crave sweets pretty much every day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything with a really strong flavor.

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Symptoms: Heartburn, sore hips, growing belly.
Belly Button in or out? I *almost* feel ok about saying its out... almost. But its not completely flat  around the edges yet.
Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Fall. The leaves are starting to change just outside our house and the air in starting to feel crisp like fall. Though I'm not sure I'm looking forward to the six or seven months of rain/clouds we'll be getting soon. As this is our first fall/winter/spring in Seattle we're not sure what to expect.

So nothing really new going on here. Yesterday Noah and I braved going out shopping again. The day before we drove 20 mins up to Hobby Lobby so I could get some craft supplies for decorating the boys room and Noah had a tantrum pretty much the whole time we were there. So after that I was a little hesitant to go out again just a day later. Well we went... trying to be brave. Noah starting getting impatient like usual when we go shopping and didn't want to sit down anymore. To try and avoid another meltdown, I put him in the main part of the shopping cart. He refused to sit down... and believe me a was trying really hard to get him to sit down. Well there is a reason they put those little signs on shopping carts about not letting your child stand in the main part of the cart. I was slowly walking through the store, Noah standing in the cart; me telling him over and over to sit down and holding his arm/shoulder. Well I stopped the cart to go over and take him out of the cart. Just as I stopped he took a step to the very end of the cart and fell out head first. I died. It was awful. He bumped his head on the metal part and toppled over onto his back. So sad and I felt like the worst mom ever. As he was screaming in my arms someone came over and offered to help; luckily she didn't look like she was totally judging me and was genuinely concerned. She said she had something similar happen to her little girl. Anyway, Noah was really quiet after that and just wanted to cuddle and then sit in the cart the rest of the trip. I can't get that image out of my head though... worst trip ever. Thankfully I don't think there is any serious damage.. he doesn't even have a bump on his head. So today we're staying home; maybe we'll go for a walk, watch movies and have a little cuddle time.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

19 weeks...

How far along: 19 weeks and 2 day
Total weight gain: as of Tuesday at my 19 week appointment 5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep. And I'm going to need more soon.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Same as before... getting more difficult. But I got my Bobby cuddle pillow in the mail today so I can't wait to use it tonight
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound. I was secretly (maybe not so secretly around here) hoping for another boy and I got my wish :-)
Miss Anything? My patience...
Movement: Every day now. I love it. Yesterday I was looking at my belly while sitting down and I saw it twitch with the baby moving. SO fun. Can't wait for those twitches to get stronger in a few weeks.
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No but I can tell when I'm reaching my limit because I start to gag.

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Symptoms: Heartburn.. something I didn't really have with Noah. I don't like it.
Belly Button in or out? Same as last week.. kinda in, kinda out.
Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy mostly.
Looking forward to: Getting to the half way point on Tuesday. Well I'd like to think its the half way point... but if this little boy is anything like his older brother he'll take longer than 40 weeks...

My sister and brother in law are visiting this week. They got here today and are staying with us until Monday morning. Tomorrow morning to afternoonish we're going downtown to see all the touristy stuff and on Saturday they'll be going to Orca's Island for the day so that should be fun for them. 
Tomorrow will be fun for our family because we're getting a new car. We finally decided on a new Hyundai Sonata after researching and trying to decide which car would be best for our family. And yesterday when we went to test drive one it passed the car seat test (our car seat is HUGE- its a Graco Snugride 32 and doesn't fit in our current car except in the middle position with the seats scooted up). So we're excited. Maybe I'll post pictures when we get the car. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

18 wk 3 d ultrasound...

We had our much anticipated ultrasound (mostly just by me but thats ok)! Its so fun to see baby squirming and moving around... we have a very active baby in there! And everything looks great. All ten fingers and ten toes... two arms and two legs... and a perfect little face. So what are we having you may ask? Looks like we're....


And we couldn't be more excited. Noah is going to be such a great older brother to this little guy. And we can't wait to meet him! I think we may have a name picked out but this time we're not telling anyone until HE is born... so fun saying that!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

18 weeks...

How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: No idea. I didn't weigh myself today :-/
Maternity clothes? Still yes. Its all about comfort these days.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Restless. I'm going to need a real pregnancy pillow soon
Best moment this week: Having energy to get things done!
Miss Anything? Not really. I'm good :-)
Movement: This week I've been feeling movement from the outside! Thats been really fun since its much earlier than with Noah.
Food cravings: Roast beef sandwich from Subway... something I can't have... boo.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Feelin' pretty good!

Labor Signs: No REAL labor signs... braxton hicks yes. 

Symptoms: Getting winded from going up stairs. Head aches. sore hips.
Belly Button in or out? Its weird. Its kind of in... kind of out. I think just because I've already had it stretched to full capacity it can't decide if its supposed to be in or out yet. I'm sure it'll be out before I know it though.
Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Both. I've been kind of down this week. Its been hot here and I've been missing my family/friends.
Looking forward to: My ultrasound on friday!! What do you think? Boy or girl?

So this week (Sunday to be exact) we set up Noah's toddler bed and took down the crib... for the next 5ish months. Its been rough. He does so well at night. We only have to tell him to go lay down or put him back in his bed a few times before he gets it. Naps are a very different story. Today for example. It took all my strength and patience to not completely lose it. For literally two hours, I was going back and forth with him getting out of bed and me putting him back in his bed. Two freaking hours. Finally I just gave up. I finished drying my hair and took him downstairs and turned on a movie. Ten minutes later he was out and slept on the couch for two hours... I slept for 1.5 hours of that. We were both exhausted. Other than those two insane hours, our day was really good. Hoping this will get easier. Keep your fingers crossed for us :-)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Week by week pregnancy survey... weeks 10-17...

So my friend Erica has been doing this fun little survey every week of her pregnancy. Even though this is my second and I didn't do this for my first... I'm totally going to copy her... :-) Hope thats ok Erica!!

So here we go..

How far along? 17 weeks and a day
Total weight gain: down 7 lbs... my Dr had to make sure I wasn't dieting at my 15 week appointment. Hopefully from now on I can start gaining!
Maternity clothes? Yes. I've been in maternity jeans since about 12 weeks and I've been wearing maternity shirts for a few weeks also just because they're more comfortable... but I do also wear non-maternity shirts still.
Stretch marks? from my first... yes... no new ones though.
Sleep: My Dr told me aches and pains might be worse earlier on with my second and she was right... I can't wake up without some pain i
n my hips. So sleeping is getting more uncomfortable early on. I'm already sleeping with a pillow between my knees.
Best moment this week: my parents were here Monday through Friday last week and it was really fun spending time with them and taking them around Seattle.
Miss Anything? Other than family and friends in Utah... not really anything! I'm content right now!
Movement: More everyday and slowly getting stronger! I've been feeling movement since about week 13 which is fun. I didn't start feeling Noah move until about week 17.
Food cravings: this week I craved egg rolls and Oreos.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really. I can't brush my teeth without gagging though... bleh..

Labor Signs: No REAL labor signs... braxton hicks yes. But only when I don't drink enough water or do too much.
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, small baby bump, small movements from baby, and headaches.
Belly Button in or out? still in
Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but I've definitely had my hormonal moments too... Jordan called me yesterday and I started crying because I didn't want to go grocery shopping haha
Looking forward to: My belly getting bigger! And a week from Friday we have our anatomy ultrasound so we get to find out what gender this little person is! And a week after than my sister and brother in law are coming to visit!

So there's the pregnancy update. Other than that fun stuff we've been keeping busy. My parents were here last week from Monday night to Friday morning. We had fun taking them around to different touristy stuff throughout the city. We spent the day at Pikes Place Market and the waterfront one day. The next day we went  to Kerry Park to see the skyline, then the Ballard Locks to see the fish ladder and the boats being lowered and raised to the different water levels, and last to Larsen's Bakery (thanks for showing us that Jensens!). The last day we went to Woodland Park Zoo. After the zoo my parents dropped me off at the Imax at the Pacific Science Center so Jordan and I could go see The Dark Knight Rises with his work. We never get to go anywhere with just the two of us now days so it was amazing of my parents to watch the little boy while we went on a date.
So far we love living here in Seattle. Jordan really likes his job and I love living in a cooler, more mild climate... we'll see if my attitude changes when winter starts. We've been told it gets pretty gloomy! And people here are so so nice. I already have a calling in our new ward... in the past its taken months and months to get a calling and feel part of the ward. But we really miss our families and our friends. I'm planning a trip to Utah at the end of October... its pretty much decided that Noah and I are going so now I just need to buy the plane tickets! Hoping to see a lot of people I miss while I'm out there!!