Thursday, August 30, 2012

I love my job...

This week I'm not going to post a pregnancy survey because really, nothings changed from last week. Other than babys movements are getting pretty strong and they will get even stronger in the next few weeks(loving it... this is my favorite thing about pregnancy) and I've been craving fries... I think I'll go get some from kidd valley today. Here are a few bump pictures... I never ask Jordan to take pictures for me so you get phone pictures. I think I look slightly bigger this week (and I mean SLIGHTLY. Some people will probably say no, I look the same in both)... especially considering that the first picture was taken at the end of the day when my bump is usually bigger and the second was taken this morning. This is a huge difference between my bump with Noah and this little boy. Next week I'll post my comparison photos from my first pregnancy and this one...

20 weeks
21 weeks 2 days

Anyway, Noah is the cutest little boy ever and a little terror at the same time. One minute he'll be so cute and cuddly, giving me hugs and kisses. Or he'll be hyper, running around in circles and wanting to wrestle or crashing his trucks into things. And the next minute he'll throw a huge fit and have a meltdown over the slightest thing. It never gets boring at our house. But I love being a mom more than anything I've done in my life.
I also love being married to my best friend. Its exciting to think we're going on five years... ok so maybe we're only at 4 years and 3.5 months but still! Time flies when you're having fun. I've never felt so supported as I do with Jordan. He's really an amazing man and I'm so glad that blind date worked out. I hope I can raise my boys to be just like their dad. I'm a very lucky girl.
Well, theres the mushy stuff I've been thinking about. We're still loving Seattle. The weather is changing and I'm excited for fall... I didn't think I'd say it but I'm even excited for the rain. I have a bunch of projects I've been working on and thats been fun. I hope to one day be one of those women who can make any craft and have it turn out perfect... its still on long way off. Practice makes perfect!

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