Monday, November 19, 2012

A few changes...

Here's a little bit of background for you: When Jordan and I got married we were (and still are) all about saving money. We moved into a teeny tiny basement apartment in the avenues of Salt Lake City where our rent was 550$ a month. Our bed was a metal frame with a mattress and box springs given to us by J's parents. Our dresser was also given to us by them and we didn't have a kitchen table. For a couch we bought a 60$ one off of craigslist. It wasn't the worst thing in the world; black faux leather that was a bit cracked and had a few holes but it was comfortable and served its purpose. Three and a half years and a really bad couch cover later we were given J's grandparents old couch since they were moving to Idaho and didn't need it anymore. It was in pretty perfect condition even though it was about 20 years old. But it was white. Try having a 7-8 month old growing baby and a white couch at the same time. Needless to say, that couch wasn't so white anymore by the time we moved here.
So now that Jordan has a real job we decided to make a few changes on our house! We now have a kitchen table and... a new couch!! This is a big deal to me since J has had to listen to me complain about how much I've hated the couches we've owned. We decided that since we have a 2 year old and another boy on the way (and we plan on having more kids) that we didn't want to spend a fortune on furniture. So even though our couch is from Ikea, its super comfortable and looks great in our house; and a bonus: the cover is removable and can be dry cleaned! We love it.
Before: Older couch, Red pillows, dark brown curtains that were there when we moved in.
After: New grey couch and ottoman, white curtains, new pillow covers that I made.

33 weeks...

How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain: Had my appointment this morning and I've gained a pound from last time. So 17 lbs up total. 
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks: A few new ones around my belly button and on my hips.
Sleep: Painful. Asked my doctor today if she had any suggestions and she said she didn't. boo...
Best moment this week: We got a new couch! If you've known Jordan and I and our situation for the last 4.5 years you'll know that this is a big deal... for me anyway... I'll write a post about that later.
Miss anything?: Walking normally? haha I have the pregnant waddle going on... I guess I have for a while now but its been especially noticeable lately.
Movement: Yep and he's sooo strong.
Cravings?: Apples with caramel
Anything making you queasy or sick: no.
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks and he may have dropped a little this week.
Symptoms: Well today after I explained my aches and pains to my doctor she said "welcome to the third trimester of your second pregnancy." haha My pelvis feels like its going to break in half every time I stand up. You may think I'm being dramatic... I'm really not. It literally feels like its going to break in half; its really painful. And my lower back hurts a lot more this time. Neither of these things were a problem when I was pregnant with Noah. My doctor said thats because with the second pregnancy everything happens so much faster so things are a lot more uncomfortable earlier on. Fun huh?
Belly Button in or out? Out. This answer won't change.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: The next seven weeks! They are going to fly by and theres so many fun things to look forward to 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Noahs birthday: TWO....

Last week my little boy turned TWO!! Its insane how fast time goes by with kids. Noah is a pretty amazing little kid. I may be a little biased on that. But I think hes pretty great. Here are a few fun things about our two year old...
~hes a climber! He loves cimbing on anything and everything.
~hes really into cars right now.
~He loves Toy Story, How to Train Your Dragon, and Cars
~He loves the park.
~He loves to wrestle with his daddy.
~Lately he's been very chatty.
~Hes all boy... rough and tough and runs everywhere. Rarely will he sit still and he likes to head butt and chase the dogs. Too bad Chihuahuas get stressed out so easily... poor puppies.
~he can say doggy, bubbles, popcorn, truck, buster, papa, daddy, mama, please, and thank you. Some parents might be worried at this point that he doesnt say much but he understands so much that we're not worried.
~he can tell you what a dog, cat, car, lightning mcqeen, snake, lion, tiger, owl, and monkey says... and anything that growls.
~when you tell him to say doggy sometimes he'll bark instead.
~hes hates diaper changes and riding in the car and grocery shopping.
~hes obsessed with play dough.
~he likes getting his own snacks out of the fridge.
~hes a really picky eater.
~hes not a fan of nursery unless I'm there with him.
~hes been sleeping in a toddler bed for about three months. That all started because he was climbing out of his crib every day.
~he loves playing outside.
~hes what J likes to call an assertive cuddler. He'll just climb into your lap (even if you're on the computer or eating) and cuddle with you... and hes very cuddly.
Anyway, theres a little bit about our big guy. Hes getting so big and becoming very independent. Its sad but so exciting at the same time. I cant wait to see him in his role as big brother.
Here are a few photos from his birthday...

Opening presents. From J and I he got  a two foot tall track (of sorts) for his cars, 9 hot wheels,  play doh, and a fire truck. Once he opened the hot wheels he didn't really care about anything else.
He had a fun-fetti cake and was only interested in eating the frosting a sprinkles.
Family photo :-)

Monday, November 5, 2012

31 weeks...

How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: +16 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes and growing out of some of them.
Stretch marks: I found a few new ones on my sides and a weird place: my calves... I guess they have been getting swollen and I can really feel it when I kneel down.
Sleep: terrible and very painful. We took our memory foam pad off our bed last night to see if that would help... it didnt. And I'm starting to keep J awake too with all my tossing and turning.
Best moment this week: We took a trip to Utah to see family and friends. Noah had a blast playing outside and trick or treating.
Miss anything?: yes and no. I miss being able to find a comfortable sleeping position.
Movement: yes and this little guy is strong! Theres one spot on my right side up by my ribs where he likes to stretch out and its starting to hurt. The dr told me today thats where his bum is :-)
Cravings?: lemon bars.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no.
Labor Signs: Nothing associated with real labor.
Symptoms: feeling huge lately. Jordan reminded me a few days ago that I was "huge when I was pregnant with Noah." Aww.. thanks babe... :-)
Belly Button in or out? Out. This answer won't change.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: The next few months are going to be fun. I'm really glad the last part of my pregnancy is during the holidays. Noahs birthday is tomorrow, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, New Years, and then I'm due!! Exciting stuff.

Trip to Utah...

This last week Noah and I took a trip to Utah to see family and friends. It was really great seeing everyone and we had a lot of fun. Noah LOVES playing outside, especially in the leaves and he had a great time trick or treating in my parents neighborhood. The first full day we spent there, we had a little party in honor of Noahs second birthday. It turned out really well and it was so fun seeing everyone that came. Noah is one loved little boy.
The rest of the week was full of playing outside, going to scheels and cabelas, going out to eat with family, and of course Halloween! We dressed Noah up as Nacho from Nacho Libre. His costume was a huge hit... pretty much everyone we passed while trick or treating said something about it. He was so cute and it was warm enough that he could go shirtless (and he wore his cape the whole time... I was amazed). Trick or treating this year went a lot like it did last year (his first time trick or treating was in Jordans parents neighborhood). The first few houses he was nervous but eager to get candy and by the end he didnt understand why he couldn't go inside every single house. He had a blast.
But like every vacation, it has to come to an end and its nice to come home and get back into the swing of things. I don't know if you've ever traveled with a toddler by yourself but it can be stressful so I was glad to come home to Jordan.
The next few months are going to fly by and I'm so excited. This month we have Noahs birthday (tomorrow!!), Thanksgiving, and my birthday. December is Christmas and new years, and then BABY!! This pregnancy has gone by so fast, as has this year. It'll be fun to do a recap in the next month and a half :-)

PS- I tried uploading a crap load of pictures to this post and it turns out google sucks and rotates my pictures the wrong way and there's no option to rotate them back... sorry.