Monday, November 12, 2012

Noahs birthday: TWO....

Last week my little boy turned TWO!! Its insane how fast time goes by with kids. Noah is a pretty amazing little kid. I may be a little biased on that. But I think hes pretty great. Here are a few fun things about our two year old...
~hes a climber! He loves cimbing on anything and everything.
~hes really into cars right now.
~He loves Toy Story, How to Train Your Dragon, and Cars
~He loves the park.
~He loves to wrestle with his daddy.
~Lately he's been very chatty.
~Hes all boy... rough and tough and runs everywhere. Rarely will he sit still and he likes to head butt and chase the dogs. Too bad Chihuahuas get stressed out so easily... poor puppies.
~he can say doggy, bubbles, popcorn, truck, buster, papa, daddy, mama, please, and thank you. Some parents might be worried at this point that he doesnt say much but he understands so much that we're not worried.
~he can tell you what a dog, cat, car, lightning mcqeen, snake, lion, tiger, owl, and monkey says... and anything that growls.
~when you tell him to say doggy sometimes he'll bark instead.
~hes hates diaper changes and riding in the car and grocery shopping.
~hes obsessed with play dough.
~he likes getting his own snacks out of the fridge.
~hes a really picky eater.
~hes not a fan of nursery unless I'm there with him.
~hes been sleeping in a toddler bed for about three months. That all started because he was climbing out of his crib every day.
~he loves playing outside.
~hes what J likes to call an assertive cuddler. He'll just climb into your lap (even if you're on the computer or eating) and cuddle with you... and hes very cuddly.
Anyway, theres a little bit about our big guy. Hes getting so big and becoming very independent. Its sad but so exciting at the same time. I cant wait to see him in his role as big brother.
Here are a few photos from his birthday...

Opening presents. From J and I he got  a two foot tall track (of sorts) for his cars, 9 hot wheels,  play doh, and a fire truck. Once he opened the hot wheels he didn't really care about anything else.
He had a fun-fetti cake and was only interested in eating the frosting a sprinkles.
Family photo :-)

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