Sunday, December 30, 2012

Babyshower + 39 weeks...

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but we live in the best ward. I've never felt so welcome or so loved in a ward than I do here. Some of the ladies I've gotten to become friends with threw me a baby shower this past Friday night! I wasn't expecting anything since this is my second baby and another boy so I was totally surprised when Emily approached me about it. It was so fun and so nice to get out with some girl-friends. We went to a cute little Italian restaurant in Ballard and then had molten lava cake at Hot Cakes just down the road. It was so fun and I'm so grateful to have made friends here. They are all so great. Here are a few pictures...
Baby bumps! In order of due dates- January, February, and March. Boy, Girl, Girl.

The ladies (missing Maren) from left to right... Kelly, Kathryn, Emily, Kelly, Noel, Me, Layla, and Lisha
Delicious chocolate/peanut butter molten lava cake and ice cream. If you ever visit Seattle, you must come here.

Heres some pregnancy progress for you...
How far along: 39 weeks... almost. Technically I'll be 39 weeks on Tuesday but at this point who cares.
Total weight gain: at my last appointment I had a different doctor (it was the day after Christmas so mine was on vacation) so the new doctor didn't tell me if I'd gained anything. Just said I was right on track.
Maternity clothes? I've grown out of a lot of them. I'm thinking of just wearing sweats and Jordans t-shirts the rest of my pregnancy haha
Stretch marks: Yep and more new ones this past week. Baby is really stretching me out!
Sleep: Eh... depends on the night and how tired I am. I usually wake up around four or so and can't get back to sleep and Noah has been getting up super early too. Also the baby moved around like crazy until late (midnight or one). Sometimes I can get to sleep through it but most of the time I can't.
Best moment this week: Christmas and my baby shower!
Movement: Yes but its slowed down a bit and is more like rolling around. Not so many kicks and jabs like he used to. Hopefully that means he's getting ready to come out.
Cravings?: Nutella. We bought a big thing of it at Sam's Club last night and I just made short bread cookies to go with it. Yumm...
Anything making you queasy or sick: no.
Labor Signs: I've had some painful contractions in the last week or so. But nothing regular and a TON of braxton hicks. Lets hope I have some progress when I go to my next doctors appointment on Wednesday (last Wednesday I was only a fingertip dilated and only 60% effaced. But the doctor reassured me that as a second time mom things can change really fast)
Missing anything?: Regular/non-maternity clothes...
Symptoms: Siatic pain has been really bad lately. Lots of pelvic pressure/pain. Heartburn. Low back pain. Contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Out. My belly looks kind of pointy. lol
Wedding ring on or off? There was a few days when I couldn't wear my ring because of swelling. Luckly Jordan got me a really pretty infinity ring for Christmas (that is a half size bigger) so I can wear that when I can't wear my wedding ring. But right now, as I type this, I can. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Baby!! He should be here in a week or so (we might talk induction on Wednesday)... crossing my fingers. Lets hope Jordan and I can finally pick a name for this guy.

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously SO excited for you! Pregnancy totally sucked, but that moment when you see your baby for the first time... I could relive that over and over again. :)
