He was born on his due date, October 19, 2014 at 1:12 in the afternoon.
It all started in the morning when I got up with Noah and Elijah at 6:30. I used the bathroom and noticed I had some (TMI) bloody show. I didn't think much of it except maybe I would go into labor in a few days because that's how it happened with Elijah. We went downstairs after getting the boys some breakfast and started a movie so that we wouldn't disturb Jordan, who was sleeping in after his late night game night with a few of his friends. Around 7:30 I started having Braxton hicks and a few mildly uncomfortable contractions that were sporadic and not consistent. Jordan got up around nine and I decided to start getting ready for church around 9:30. By then the contractions we're starting to pick up and building in intensity. After my shower I started timing them because they were starting to feel pretty consistent and painful.
Then around 11 a really big one hit me and I decided I'd let the relief society presidency know I wouldn't be able to teach my lesson that day. After making a call to the RS president and counselor and then a call to my doctors office I told Jordan we should probably head to the hospital; my contractions were about 7 mins apart and pretty strong by then.
We dropped the boys off at friends of ours and fellow ward members and went to the hospital. They got us right in and I changed into a hospital gown and got hooked up to the monitors. By then it was a little after 12 and they checked me. I was 6 cm dilated and 100% effaced. The nurses put in my IV and gave me a pain med to take the edge off my contractions. They were still painful and getting stronger and I was starting to feel pressure so they checked me again. By then I was 8 cm and I jokingly asked the nurses if I would have time to get my epidural (I had asked for one when we got to the hospital) and they all laughed and said of course! I was relieved because the pain was *almost* unbearable at that point. Finally, I had enough fluids in me that they paged the anesthesiologist to come give me my epidural; it was almost 1:00 by then. So I sat up and they started prepping my back. They put numbing meds in the area and put the kneedle in but had the wrong size so the anesthesiologist asked for a new one. Just then I started having overwhelmingly painful contractions to the point where I was almost screaming. Then I had an insane amount of pressure and told the nurses that I thought I needed to push. They took everything off my back and laid me down to check me. I was complete and my bag of water was bulging but hadn't broken yet. That's when I started screaming and kept telling the nurses I needed to push. Everyone (I had four nurses in the room with us that were still trying to prep everything) was telling me not to push and to wait for the doctor. I kept saying (screaming), "no, I really need to push!" Just then the doctor rushed in and got my feet up and I just started pushing and screaming and within a push and a half, Jude was out and on my chest. They measured his head, one nurse said, "that is not a small head!" weighed and measure is length. He was 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long.
It was such a different experience from my last two births but I wouldn't change it for anything (well, maybe I would have really liked to have had that epidural). Giving birth is a pretty incredible thing. Seeing this brand new person that grew inside you for nine months and is suddenly in the world is such a beautiful thing. It was amazing and I'm pretty proud of myself (trying not to sound too braggy but it's hard not to think back and go, "whoa! I did that!").
Recovery has been much easier this time around but that could be because this is my third baby, although the cramping is the worst post-birth cramping I've ever had. Jude is amazing, of course. He started breastfeeding less than an hour after birth and has been a pro-latcher ever since...such a great thing after struggling in the beginning with my other two. I've been loving the skin to skin and seeing Noah and Elijah so excited about their baby brother is the best thing in the world.
I'm so in love with my FOUR boys and feel so blessed to have them in my life. Jordan is also the best husband/father/support I could ever ask for...he was so incredible while I was in labor and giving birth and continues to be now that we're home.