Saturday, May 31, 2014

Its been a while...

I realized just the other day that its been over 16 months since I last posted. I know this because my last post was Elijahs birth story and he's not over 16 months old... my, how times flies (sorry for the cliche but its so true). I had a girls night this last week with some good friends and they inspired me to start blogging again. I tend to feel like my life isn't interesting enough to tell about and that no one really cares that much... but here I am. Maybe a few people will read it... maybe not. So a ton has happened in the last almost year and a half. I guess I'll just do highlights...

~Elijah's first year + of life! The first ten months were hard. So hard. The transition to two kids was very rough for us... I remember how hard becoming a parent was but then becoming a parent to two was so much harder. Elijah wasn't a good sleeper. For the first 4-5 months he woke up every one and a half to two hours and then until ten months it was every three hours. Let me tell you, if he ever gave us a four hour stretch during that time (which did happen a few times) I felt like a new person... but three hour stretches just aren't enough to feel sane. He also loved to be held. All the time. I didn't mind this so much because I love holding my babies. I discovered baby wearing which saved my sanity. My mei tai and Ergo became my best friends. It was the only way I could get anything done and still help Noah to feel like he wasn't forgotten. Anyway, we got through it and though it was rough I love love love being a mom to these sweet little boys. Boys are seriously awesome. I feel pretty lucky to have them. Elijah has the funniest personality and is so fun to watch. He's our crazy boy who loves to be messy and be outside and has a ton of attitude but is our cuddler. He says a ton of words which is weird and fun since Noah didn't talk until he was two and a half. Noah is now three and a half (!!!!) and is as sweet as ever. He's so compassionate and loving and really loves and cares about everyone. Everywhere we go he wants to talk to everyone and tell people what we're doing. He's the sweetest. Noah and Elijah are becoming best friends and really love each other. Its amazing to see them play and laugh together.

~We went on a few trips in 2012. One was to Utah when Elijah was seven months old. It was just him and I during this trip and it was mainly to see my sister and her new baby (my nephew!!). It wasn't a super relaxing trip but it was fun none the less. Elijah wasn't sleeping well and Richie, my sisters baby, was colicky. I tried to help with things the best I could. Our second trip was a road trip to Utah for Christmas. We spent two weeks there visiting family and it was a great trip. The boys did great in the two day car ride, to and from, and had a blast seeing all of our family.

~January first, just a few days after we returned home from Utah, we wanted to start looking at houses just to see what was out there. We weren't super serious about buying yet but we did have enough for a down payment so we decided to look anyway. Our realtor had five listings set up for us to look at so out we went since Jordan had the day off (new years day, obviously). A few of the houses were ok but most were too run down for how much they were listed for. But the last house we saw that day we fell in love with. It was only the fifth house we had seen so we felt a little crazy for thinking this but we really felt like we should put in an offer. It was a brand new house, a little smaller than we originally wanted, but we loved the house and the beautiful yard and neighborhood. It was also an area that had really good schools and it was in Shoreline which is where I wanted to end up. So that night be got together with our realtor again and drew up the offer. The next night we found out there was another offer on the house and the seller wouldn't tell us what the other offer was. They just wanted us to put in our best offer and the highest would get accepted. We we offered $7000 above asking price and then waited. I was already so invested in the house that the wait the next day was excruciating. Well seven that night our realtor called and told us our offer was accepted. It was an unreal feeling to hear we were going to own this house. The next few weeks were a bit of a blur. We slowly packed up our townhouse and had the inspection and appraisal of the house. Then the week before our move Jordan had to go to New York for an Amazon recruiting event. He got back the day of the move and we moved into our new home! It was a bit of a whirlwind and we are so grateful to be in this house and to be home owners. Its been fun making the house ours and Jordan loves working in the yard.

~Two weeks after we moved into our house we found out about baby number three! At the time I was about five weeks along but had no idea how far along I was. I am now 20 weeks (tomorrow) and due October 19th! And we couldn't be more excited about welcoming another baby boy into our family. I was afraid of having gender disappointment, not that I really wanted a girl, but it was more of a fear of just being disappointed. The second I saw him at our anatomy scan that thought of being disappointed at all just disappeared. We are thrilled! Three boys is going to be sooo fun! that brings us to now. Right now I'm just enjoying my house and my littles and my pregnancy while I paint rooms and plan out baby projects. The boys and I will be taking a trip to Utah at the end of June to see family and to celebrate my nephews first birthday and we're also planning a trip to Hawaii for next year for just the five (!!) of us. It'll be a fun trip but we're sad that Jordan isn't coming to Utah with us. This summer I'm hoping to get out a lot and enjoy more of Seattle and hopefully take a trip or two down to Portland and out of the city. And hopefully I'll be better about blogging about our adventures! Stay tuned...


  1. I love that you blogged...maybe I will too! I like to hear what you have to say, keep blogging! You are awesome!

  2. So I normally don't read blogs but I had to see if you announced the gender. Congrats! 3 boys, that will be so fun for you guys. I hope you had a good wager with the hubs ;-) Exciting year you all had and upcoming year as well.

  3. Good to hear the update Caroline!!!!!

  4. So fun to catch up a little. You guys are so great and I'm excited for your number #3! Lucky little one!

  5. Wonderful to read your blog and get an overview of how life is for you! It's hard to tell when so far away. You are a great writer, I find it very hard to put words together into a coherent story. We are so proud of your little family. We're super excited about boy #3!

  6. Nobody's life is too boring to blog about! Keep doing it! I agree about the transition to baby #2 as well. And same time period! Those first 10 months with my Noah were killer!

  7. Loved it! And blogging isn't always about entertaining other people. Sometimes it's just about recapping your life to give yourself perspective, and to help keep a form of a journal so you can look back and remember. I loved the updates, you just need to post another one with pictures! Can't wait to see you and have you guys celebrate Richie's first birthday! He loves his cousins! Especially big boy Noah. But one day he and Elijah will be besties!
