How far along: 22 weeks
Total weight gain: Stay tuned for next weeks update... I have a dr's appointment then.Maternity clothes? Still yes. I got my new stuff from Old Navy in the mail last week... its nice to feel cute again :-)
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I wake up several times a night. My hips hurt every morning. Fun stuff. I'm not complaining though because I know I'll miss being pregnant when this baby gets here... even though I can't wait for him to finally get here.
Best moment this week: The three day weekend. Jordan got Monday off... like most people. Its sooo nice to have him home.
Miss Anything? Nope. Feeling pretty good.
Movement: Yes. And this morning I got to watch my belly jump around with his movements. Its awesome seeing him move from the outside.
Food cravings: Potatoes. My boys seem to love potatoes when they're in the womb :-)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pizza.... yuck.
Labor Signs: Nope. Just braxton hicks still.
Symptoms: Oh all kinds of things. You name it. Except still no morning sickness... thank goodness.
Belly Button in or out? Oh its out. And Noah thinks its so funny. He wanted me to walk around with my shirt lifted up yesterday so he could see my belly button.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Getting my other projects started. I have a few sewing projects I want to do for this baby. I just finished his car seat canopy and I'm making him a blanket like the one I made for Noah. I'm also going to make some ties and bow ties, pacifier clips, and a crib sheet (and possibly and crib skirt...) crib bedding sets are so expensive and I can't find one that I absolutely love. Plus we never even used half the stuff that came with the set we bought Noah.
Food cravings: Potatoes. My boys seem to love potatoes when they're in the womb :-)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pizza.... yuck.
Labor Signs: Nope. Just braxton hicks still.
Symptoms: Oh all kinds of things. You name it. Except still no morning sickness... thank goodness.
Belly Button in or out? Oh its out. And Noah thinks its so funny. He wanted me to walk around with my shirt lifted up yesterday so he could see my belly button.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Getting my other projects started. I have a few sewing projects I want to do for this baby. I just finished his car seat canopy and I'm making him a blanket like the one I made for Noah. I'm also going to make some ties and bow ties, pacifier clips, and a crib sheet (and possibly and crib skirt...) crib bedding sets are so expensive and I can't find one that I absolutely love. Plus we never even used half the stuff that came with the set we bought Noah.
Here are comparison photos from my first pregnancy and this one... both taken at 22 weeks. The pictures are pretty different so its hard to tell, but my belly is definitely bigger this time.
This past labor day weekend was nice and relaxing... for the most part. It was really fun that Jordan got the day off and we got him all to ourselves yesterday. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it but his days (and ours) are pretty long. He leaves for work in the morning at 7:30 and doesn't get home until 6:15-:30 usually. So when he gets the day off its the best. Saturday we took a trip down south to Southcenter and went to the mall and a fish store Jordan wanted to check out. If any of you reading have toddlers or children age two or close to two you'll know that its hard to go anywhere without some stress. But it was fun to get out of Seattle for a little bit even if it wasn't that far away. Sunday was a typical Sunday... we went to two hours of church which mainly consisted of me hanging out in nursery with Noah. He still hasn't adjusted yet and doesn't like being left in there without us... we'll get there one day hopefully. Jordan is a primary teacher for the 10-11 year olds so he did that. Yesterday we stayed around here and went to lunch and ran a few errands. It was just nice to have Jordan home.
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