Well, now that I've told pretty much everyone and I guess I can start blogging about it! Jordan and I are having our first baby! The due date is October 31st (Halloween!!!) and we couldn't be more excited. I don't think its quite sunk in with Jordan yet but seeing the baby in the ultrasound today, I had tears in my eyes and couldn't help but laugh out loud. There's a little living thing growing and developing inside me! Words cant describe the feeling. We didn't get to hear the heart beat yet but the little one was waving at us and moving its legs like crazy! It was amazing. Jordan thought that the baby would just be chillin' in there, not really doing anything so he was amazed when he saw it moving. My next ultrasound is in four weeks and by then we'll be able to hear the heart beat and before we leave for Germany my doctor said we can most likely find out the sex (if the baby cooperates of course). I'm so happy!! This year had definitely been good to us.
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