Thursday, April 29, 2010

Positive thoughts... Positive thoughts....

Man... What an insane, short week its been. Going from apartment contract signed to apartment contract cancelled and now back to having an apartment in Erlangen. We are so blessed!! So we've been in contact with a few people from the ward in Erlangen and on the same day that we had this HUGE bill in our hands that we never agreed to pay, we got an email from them saying that they have an apartment ready for us if we wanted it and if we could get out of our other apartment contract. AH! How lucky is that?! Oh, how I love the church and all the connections we can make within it. The Lord has truly been with us.
Other things in the Hulet house... I have another doctors appointment on Monday! YAY! Those days make me so happy... weird right? Well, we get to FINALLY hear the heart beat of our little baby and I seriously cannot wait. I'm thinking of renting/buying a doppler for while we're in Germany so I can listen to the heart beat all day long. Wouldn't that be nice! According to my Pregnancy Week by Week book, the baby is about 3.5- 4 inches now and looks like a little human. So cool. I've been looking at baby names like crazy and have found a few that I like... if its a girl I think we've picked a name that BOTH of us really like (still don't totally agree on boy names) but we don't want to name the baby until he/she is here... so we'll see. We might be able to find out the gender before we leave which would be so awesome; then I can buy all kinds of things for him/her in Germany!
Also we posted an ad on craigs list for our apartment the other day and have already gotten four responses which is amazing. There are four other vacant apartments in our building and they've been there for almost a month now. So the fact that we have people interested already is pretty amazing to me. I think our apartment manager and/or the owners just don't care or something.
Anyway... thats pretty much all thats going on with us. My Auntie Liz is out visiting from New Jersey which means I get to spend a lot of time with my family while she's here... that also makes me really happy. I love my family so much. Jordan and I are sooo grateful for all the support we've received from everyone, its overwhelming. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! We pretty much have the best in-law/parents/siblings/Aunts/Uncles/Cousins ever. For real.

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