The bedroom in the apartment we'll be renting in Germany
This is a Erlangen... isn't it beautful!? I'm so excited!
The company Jordan will be doing research for
South Eastern Germany, Bavaria where Erlangen is located
~Buy airline tickets! Its going to hurt, as tickets to Paris are over $1000 each, but luckily Jordan's professor has offered to pay for Jordans air fair (SOOO nice!) so basically our only cost will be my air fair, train fair, rent, and food (and probably clothing because I'll be getting big around June and will need maternity clothes.)
~Try to get out of our current apartment contract. We've decided that moving out of our current apartment would be better than trying to find someone to stay in it for us. We'll need a two bedroom eventually anyway so this is the best way to do it. It'll be super stressful but what can ya do?
~And odds and ends... finding health coverage for me for while we're in Europe, canceling things like cable, netflix, putting phones on hold...
Man... there are so many little things to take care of before we leave! and we only have a month left so we really need to get going on things. I really thought that we'd have more figured out by now! I come from a family of super-planners when it comes to big vacations like this so its been stressful for me. Luckily Jordan is the best husband ever and can handle my mood swings and hormonal rages. haha Hopefully he'll still want more kids after this one comes (not for a few years of course). I am so grateful for my husband and my parents and my in-laws for the tremendous support we've received through all of this. Our parents have offered to store our crap while we're gone and I'm sooooo grateful! I can't thank them enough!
Why are you moving to germany?! And when?